Warlocks and War Crimes

Warlocks and War Crimes

This article is going to deal with International law in our world applied to the fantastic and magical world of Dungeons & Dragons, because it’s absurd and mixes the whimsical with the macabre.

My main goal is to go through all 362 spells in the Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook (PHB). At the end I also tally up which classes have access to the most war crime spells!

What are War Crimes?

I’m basing this article on Hague law and Geneva law, basically cribbing off the various conventions and some agreed humanitarian law. International law is funny in that in most ways it can’t be like laws we’re used to dealing with in our every day lives. In the U.S., laws are generally passed by some governing body, the U.S. Congress, the various states, counties down to individual municipalities. They’ll write down the law in a bill which if it’s enacted becomes enforced by law enforcement and interpreted by the judiciary in lawsuits. At least generally that’s the model.

With International law, individual states agree on what the law is, and it may be written down in treaties or international conventions, but it’s still not like laws within a state, because there’s no international police force and usually there’s no international judiciary… at least not one that looks like federal, or municipal court. In the world of D&D (Faerûn usually), this gets even fuzzier; there aren’t many established states and those that do exist tend to be self-isolated. For something like the Geneva conventions to take place, the world of D&D would need to be quite different.

So, for this exercise I’m not going to dive into what kinds of international laws may get created, or which treaties would outlaw which spells. Instead I’ll just copy over our world’s international law, and go from there!

No Really What Are War Crimes

Oh right, we need some definitions. The UN has us covered and lays down the definitions from the Geneva Conventions and Protocols, Hague Law, and Rome statue. Summarizing a whole lot,

  1. Non-combatants are off-limits: in war you need to direct attacks to state actors. So indiscriminate attacks are generally bad. You also can’t use non-combatants as a tool in war, i.e. you can’t hide behind civilians or medics.
  2. Avoid “unnecessary suffering”: these provisions are aimed at weapons and means that cause suffering after a combatant is removed. I.e. poisonous weapons, and attacks which generally go above just causing harm.
  3. Humiliation & Forced Conscription: several paragraphs include provisions against humiliating your enemy, so any spell which is intentionally embarrassing, or forces a combatant to fight against it’s army will fall under scrutiny.

The Large Categories

Most offensive spells in the PHB deal a specific type of damage. The ones in the PHB are: Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Piercing, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, Slashing, Thunder. Of these, 2 are called out by Geneva as being forbidden, Acid and Poison specifically. Most others seem to be fair play, but unlike Faerûn Earth doesn’t have “Necrotic” damage. The damage type itself is described as:

Necrotic damage, dealt by certain undead and a spell such as Chill Touch, withers matter and even the soul.

It’s not clear if Necrotic damage causes harm in the afterlife, or to the more supernatural aspects of reality in Faerûn. From the general tone of Necrotic damage, I’d err on the side of saying Necrotic damage would be disallowed by the Geneva Conventions. So we have 3 damage types that automatically make a spell a war crime.

Most mind control spells are also suspect. On Earth, we don’t have anything like that, but coercing combatants into your own service is called out in the Rome Statute, Article 8(2.a.v):

Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power;

One final thing to take note of is that War Crimes usually committed in the context of an armed conflict usually by state actors (not necessarily internationally). So for this exercise, I’m going to assume we’re dealing with spells cast on combatants. War crimes don’t require specific implements, so I’m sure you could commit atrocities using Druidcraft. I’ll leave that to you: do not email me how you’d use Continual Flame or Druidcraft to commit some sort of crime.

Instead I’m going to focus on spells that you can’t cast on combatants without it falling afoul of international law.

So in summary a spell is a war crime if it meets any of these criteria:

  1. It only causes Acid, Poison, or Necrotic damage
  2. It forces what could be considered “Forced Conscription”, so most charm spells, and mind-control spells
  3. Spells with additional effects which affect otherwise incapacitated combatants, or non-combatants.

If a spell doesn’t meet these criteria but is still a problem, I’ll call those out specifically.

The List!

Who’s on the list!? Well I’ve got the whole list of spells here, but I’ll go over some of the more interesting spells that I’d consider illegal under international Earth law. These generally fall under the three categories above.

If you need a refresher on what any of these spells do, or if you think I missed a spell, you can see the (almost) full list in the PHB from the SRD, which is available for free. I’ll be using their SRD names, so if you see any weird names, or any that are missing that’s why.


Out of the 24 Cantrips, 3 meet the criteria because of their damage type: Acid Splash, Poison Spray, and Chill Touch the last of which infamously doesn’t do cold damage nor is it a touch spell. Other than that, none of the spells are egregious. In fact, most of them are simple force multipliers or utility spells. The least offensive Cantrip is probably Druidcraft; beyond lighting fires it’s one of the most worthless spells in the game.


Necromancy is the problem child of magic. For every Resurrection and Spare the Dying there’s something that creates Zombies or causes Necrotic Damage.

48% of all Necromancy spells cause Necrotic damage, or are crimes against humanity. Of those that don’t automatically count are Spare the Dying, False Life, Blindness / Deafness, Gentle Repose, Ray of Enfeeblement, Revivify, Speak with Dead, Eyebite, Resurrection, Clone, Astral Projection, and True Resurrection. Of these, Clone isn’t a war crime, but it’s definitely a crime against humanity.

I’m not sure how an international community would deal with Resurrection, since it kinda means that corpses could be possible future combatants. I also Ruled that Bestow Curse is a war crime because after a retreat it causes undue harm which is difficult to avoid or remove. Most of the others that are war crimes are Necrotic Damage (Inflict Wounds, Vampiric Touch, Blight, Circle of Undeath, Harm, Finger of Death) or they animate corpses which I’d rule as humiliating your opponent and a crime against humanity, but we get into weird territory if you start animating members of your own nation to fight again. Contagion is interesting, because it gives its target a natural disease, which is a bioweapon. Magic Jar is also a problem because it allows the mage to take over the body of another being, so it’s both a crime against humanity and a war crime.

Mind Control and Other Enchantments

Mind Control is not a thing on Earth, so international law doesn’t address it. However, I would hazard to guess that most would be illegal if they were a thing. Charm Person, Command, Suggestion, Confusion, Dominate Person, Geas, Modify Memory, Irresistible Dance, and Mass Suggestion are all under the same umbrella of coerced servitude, and they’re all in the Enchantment

Feblemind reduces your mental attributes to 1 for at least 30 days - far longer than most individual conflicts last. I also consider Hideous Laughter to fit in this, even though it really only compulses you to laugh, but it’s still causing humiliation, so it’s probably not ok.

Area of Effect Spells

Almost any spell could be used to commit war crimes, but spells with an area of effect are dangerous when used anywhere near non-combatants. A Fireball by itself is probably ok against a group of soldiers, but casting that same fireball in a confined town square is almost certainly not allowable (without spell sculpting). I’ve labelled most of these spells as AoE, to make them easier to check. A few of these are so catastrophic that it’s hard to imagine how they’d be ok: Earthquake is ripe for collateral, and Meteor Swarm has such a wide rang that casting it anywhere outside of a large field is a dangerous prospect. A lot of the “cloud” are also ripe for collateral, and Cloudkill is literally chlorine gas - it’s hard banned, but the others are not mostly because the laws I’m applying don’t have the tools available to address them.

Shapechanging and other Transmutations

I may be wrong, but Polymorph and True Polymorph (and Wish but we’ll get to Wish) are the only two spells with the ability to change a combatant’s form. Most spells of this class need a willing subject, so using them on an opponent is impossible without an already banned mind-controlling spell. Polymorph isn’t too bad: it’s concentration and if you are dropped to 0 HP you revert to your original shape, and it’s duration isn’t excessive. True Polymorph is more difficult, and casting that on an opponent seems like a war crime. Other shape changing spells usually need to be cast on willing targets, or similarly wear off after concentration lapses or HP drops to 0. The only other Transmutation I could find that I’d say was a war crime was Reverse Gravity solely for the reason that you’re either causing someone to fall from 100ft, or you’re causing them to get stuck to a ceiling. If you cast this in an open field, then you’re dooming a normal human and maiming the others.

The really nasty one is Flesh to Stone. Any petrification is basically a death sentence without more powerful magic, or having the one spell that counters it. Not to mention, that petrification makes the target more vulnerable to basic forms of attack: knocking off petrified body parts using basic blunt tools results in permanent physical damage to any unpetrified subjects if they ever get to breathe again. Petrification, no doubt in my mind, would be banned.

Sometimes but Not Always A Crime.

The “Prismatic” spells all have a problem of not being entirely controlled and also causing Poison or Acid damage randomly. Since this is entirely random, this spell should be banned. The simplest form of these “Prismatic” spells is Prismatic Spray:

Eight multicolored rays of light flash from your hand. Each ray is a different color and has a different power and purpose. Each creature in a 60 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. For each target, roll a d8 to determine which color ray affects it.

Two of the 7 damage types (8 rolls twice!) are prohibited explicitly by the Geneva Conventions, so casting this and not doing Acid or Poison damage is just lucky but negligent.

Uncontrollable Arcane Bombs

Another class of weapons that are generally banned by Intenational Law are weapons that are indiscriminate and which could last long after a conflict ended, such as land mines. Such munitions also often put civilians at risk. Spells like Symbol seem to be in that category since they just lay round and if someone triggers them they are mostly indiscriminate, and highly dangerous.


Wish is world bending. Wish is reality changing. Wish is the ultimate spell. Wish is too powerful to allow a single mortal to control this power. Besides allowing someone to wish a race or nation out of existence, it also allows for any 8th level spell or lower to be cast, but of those it’s about 10% war crimes.

If you use Wish to cast a lower level spell that’s itself not a war crime, then sure, it’s fine. But any other application of Wish during conflict would be banned. It’s like the D&D’s version of the Nuke.

Heat Metal

Heat Metal isn’t necessarily a war crime, but if you cast it on a heavily armored opponent it’s a war crime simply due to its cruelty:

Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see within range. You cause the object to glow red-­‐‑hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes 2d8 fire damage when you cast the spell. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage again. If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn’t drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.

Heavy Armor takes 5 minutes to doff (or “take off)”, so best-case you start removing your armor, and the druid or bard who is harassing you stops, or starts the spell again. Even for light or medium armor it takes 1 minute to doff, so you either kill or interrupt the attacker (who can just run “cook and book”) or you suffer 12d8 damage (at minimum). And this is a suggested use of the spell!

Death Ward, Healing, and Feigning Death

These spells aren’t harmful and Feign Death (which isn’t in the SRD, it’s in the PHB) can’t even be cast on combatants. The main problem with Death Ward and combat healing is that it blurs the line between combatants, non-combatants, medics, incapacitated, and humanitarian aid. Clerics really make this difficult, because their main job on the field is usually to heal wounded combatants and deliver buffs while also dealing some damage.

The problem with Death Ward, and Feign Death is that it may encourage conduct which itself is problematic. For example, if you knew that your opponents often cast Death Ward (a 4th level spell so not the easiest but also not the hardest to access), then you may be inclined to always “double tap,” or make sure that opponents who should have taken lethal damage actually did which could mean further endangerment of bystanders if AoE damage is used. It essentially encourages combatants to use more force to combat its effect.

Feign Death is a problem on the other end of the spectrum, and is a direct act of perfidy; if an opponent fakes their death and returns from a battle unharmed, or if the opponent’s general feigns death to avoid capture it sets a bad precedent for armed conflict. It’s the same problem as faking a surrender: as soon as word gets out that you’ll fly a false surrender flag, your opponent is incentivized to take no quarter (which is a war crime). If you fake a death and come back as a combatant, then you may just encourage your opponent to pillage through your casualties and mutilate them to make sure they don’t come back later. No one wants that.

A small aside: One thing that really bugs me about some kids shows with armed conflicts (looking at you Star Wars: the Clone Wars) is that fake surrenders are something of a favorite tactic.

In the same vein, Alter Self and Seeming can cause similar issues: running false flag groups runs afoul of perfidy. This doesn’t mean you can’t spy on enemies, which means it’s not really as cut-and-dry as all that. It is illegal to take an enemy insignia in an armed conflict as a ruse - i.e. to gain a flank, or surprise attack because the defending army doesn’t recognize the attack. These spells aren’t necessarily a war crime so they get a pass.

I’m not going to rule battle healing as a crime, even though it does seem to cause confusion in what “Humanitarian Aid” and “Medics” are; perhaps that would be a good article for later.

Class Comparison

This may not be a surprise, but the class with access to the most spells that are always war crimes is the Wizard; with 30 total flagrant spells it numbers over double any other class repertoire. However, by proportion the class with most belligerent spells is the Warlock, whose spell inventory is over 20% war crimes, while the Wizard’s grimoire only comes in at the second most at almost 15%.

One class is entirely pure: the Ranger has no spells which automatically count as war crimes, with the next class being the Paladin (most of whose illegal spells are mind-control). If you want to include non-casters, then you could also say that the Barbarian and Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, and Monk also don’t apply but since I’m really looking at spells in general it’s not an interesting distinction.

In general, about 12% of all spells automatically count as war crimes when used against other combatants, and level 9, then level 5 have the most belligerent spells at 33% and 19% respectively.

Of all the schools of magic Necromancy at 48%, then Evocation at 38% are the most belligerent with Illusion and Divination having no belligerent spells in either of them, with the next lowest being Transmutation at 3.5%.

Further Investigations

I’m only looking at the SRD version of the Player’s Handbook, so things like Tasha’s, Volo’s, Xanathar’s, and Mordenkainen’s expansions of profit respectively will need to wait. I’m sure Wizards would love for me to dissect the political ramifications of a spell that stops a retreat (looking at you Booming Blade). If I get an email about doing analysis on those expansions or other game’s spells or systems that fall under the scrutiny of the Geneva Conventions, then maybe I’ll look into it more.

How to Apply This

Now that you have a list of spells that Earth international Law would heavily disapprove of, what can you do to improve your game?

Honestly, not much. As I stated before, Faerûn doesn’t really have an international committee. You could argue that individual states could use this framework, and if you’re a Dungeon Master for a game where national politics is important enough to matter, then congrats, and here you go.

In the real world, international laws exist for very practical and horrifying reasons. Atrocities are something of a norm for human history. D&D doesn’t preclude this kind of brutality (and honestly reading Grayhawk, maybe it’s the norm in D&D land too). I’m sure in more dark fantasy settings investigating and spelling out why certain spells are outlawed and setting up bylaws in various duchies or counties would add flavor. However, In your by-the-book wrote D&D campaign typically focused on fantasy heroism, such flavor is out of place and unnecessary.

In the reality of Dungeons & Dragons, I’m sure very different laws and treaties would be enacted by various states because of various wars or pacts. The world of D&D also has supernatural powers such as literal deities, alignments (which is a hairy subject for characters in game), and sentient hostile and almost never organized races (Kobolds, Goblins, Dragons, etc.). How does international law deal with these entities… it’s unclear what exactly would happen.

The full table of what I consider an automatic war crime is below: if you spot anything that is out of place, or if you think I missed a spell, let me know at yocky@yockyard.com.

Oh and this table is… jank, so I’ll be looking into a table module that would let you actually use it, but here ya go!

Full List

Spell Damage Type Level School War Crime AoE
Acid Splash Acid 0 Conjuration Yes No
Chill Touch Necrotic 0 Necromancy Yes No
Dancing Lights None 0 Evocation No No
Druidcraft None 0 Transmutation No No
Eldritch Blast Force 0 Evocation No No
Fire Bolt Fire 0 Evocation No No
Guidance None 0 Divination No No
Light None 0 Evocation No No
Mage Hand None 0 Conjuration No No
Mending None 0 Transmutation No No
Message None 0 Transmutation No No
Minor Illusion None 0 Illusion No No
Poison Spray Poison 0 Conjuration Yes No
Prestidigitation None 0 Transmutation No No
Produce Flame Fire 0 Conjuration No No
Ray of Frost Cold 0 Evocation No No
Resistance None 0 Abjuration No No
Sacred Flame Radiant 0 Evocation No No
Shillelagh None 0 Transmutation No No
Shocking Grasp Lightning 0 Evocation No No
Spare the Dying None 0 Necromancy No No
Thaumaturgy None 0 Transmutation No No
True Strike None 0 Divination No No
Vicious Mockery Psychic 0 Enchantment No No
Alarm None 1 Abjuration No No
Animal Friendship None 1 Enchantment No No
Bane None 1 Enchantment No No
Bless None 1 Enchantment No No
Burning Hands Fire 1 Evocation No No
Charm Person None 1 Enchantment Yes No
Color Spray None 1 Illusion No Yes
Command None 1 Enchantment Yes No
Comprehend Languages None 1 Divination No No
Create or Destroy Water None 1 Transmutation No Yes
Cure Wounds None 1 Evocation No No
Detect Evil and Good None 1 Divination No No
Detect Magic None 1 Divination No No
Detect Poison and Disease None 1 Divination No No
Disguise Self None 1 Illusion No* No
Divine Favor Radiant 1 Evocation No No
Entangle None 1 Conjuration No Yes
Expeditious Retreat None 1 Transmutation No No
Faerie Fire None 1 Evocation No No
False Life None 1 Necromancy No No
Feather Fall None 1 Transmutation No No
Find Familiar None 1 Conjuration No No
Floating Disk None 1 Conjuration No No
Fog Cloud None 1 Conjuration No Yes
Goodberry None 1 Transmutation No No
Grease None 1 Conjuration No Yes
Guiding Bolt Radiant 1 Evocation No No
Healing Word None 1 Evocation No No
Hellish Rebuke Fire 1 Evocation No No
Heroism None 1 Enchantment No No
Hideous Laughter None 1 Enchantment Yes? No
Hunter’s Mark None 1 Divination No No
Identify None 1 Divination No No
Illusory Script None 1 Illusion No No
Inflict Wounds Necrotic 1 Necromancy Yes No
Jump None 1 Transmutation No No
Longstrider None 1 Transmutation No No
Mage Armor None 1 Abjuration No No
Magic Missile Force 1 Evocation No No
Protection from Evil and Good None 1 Abjuration No No
Purify Food and Drink None 1 Transmutation No No
Sanctuary None 1 Abjuration No No
Shield None 1 Abjuration No No
Shield of Faith None 1 Abjuration No No
Silent Image None 1 Illusion No No
Sleep None 1 Enchantment No Yes
Speak with Animals None 1 Divination No No
Thunderwave Thunder 1 Evocation No Yes
Unseen Servant None 1 Conjuration No No
Acid Arrow Acid 2 Evocation Yes No
Aid None 2 Abjuration No No
Alter Self None 2 Transmutation No* No
Animal Messenger None 2 Enchantment No No
Arcane Lock None 2 Abjuration No No
Arcanist’s Magic Aura None 2 Illusion No No
Augury None 2 Divination No No
Barkskin None 2 Transmutation No No
Blindness/Deafness None 2 Necromancy No No
Blur None 2 Illusion No No
Branding Smite Radiant 2 Evocation No No
Calm Emotions None 2 Enchantment No No
Continual Flame None 2 Evocation No No
Darkness None 2 Evocation No Yes
Darkvision None 2 Transmutation No No
Detect Thoughts None 2 Divination No No
Enhance Ability None 2 Transmutation No No
Enlarge/Reduce None 2 Transmutation No No
Enthrall None 2 Enchantment No Yes
Find Steed None 2 Conjuration No No
Find Traps None 2 Divination No No
Flame Blade Fire 2 Evocation No No
Flaming Sphere Fire 2 Conjuration No No
Gentle Repose None 2 Necromancy No No
Gust of Wind None 2 Evocation No Yes
Heat Metal Fire 2 Transmutation No* No
Hold Person None 2 Enchantment No No
Invisibility None 2 Illusion No No
Knock None 2 Transmutation No No
Lesser Restoration None 2 Abjuration No No
Levitate None 2 Transmutation No No
Locate Animals or Plants None 2 Divination No No
Locate Object None 2 Divination No No
Magic Mouth None 2 Illusion No No
Magic Weapon None 2 Transmutation No No
Mirror Image None 2 Illusion No No
Misty Step None 2 Conjuration No No
Moonbeam Radiant 2 Evocation No No
Pass without Trace None 2 Abjuration No No
Prayer of Healing None 2 Evocation No No
Protection from Poison None 2 Abjuration No No
Ray of Enfeeblement None 2 Necromancy No No
Rope Trick None 2 Transmutation No No
Scorching Ray Fire 2 Evocation No No
See Invisibility None 2 Divination No No
Shatter Thunder 2 Evocation No Yes
Silence None 2 Illusion No Yes
Spider Climb None 2 Transmutation No No
Spike Growth Piercing 2 Transmutation No Yes
Spiritual Weapon Force 2 Evocation No No
Suggestion None 2 Enchantment Yes No
Warding Bond None 2 Abjuration No No
Web None 2 Conjuration No No
Zone of Truth None 2 Enchantment No No
Animate Dead None 3 Necromancy Yes No
Beacon of Hope None 3 Abjuration No No
Bestow Curse Necrotic 3 Necromancy Yes* No
Blink None 3 Transmutation No No
Call Lightning Lightning 3 Conjuration No Yes
Clairvoyance None 3 Divination No No
Conjure Animals None 3 Conjuration No No
Counterspell None 3 Abjuration No No
Create Food and Water None 3 Conjuration no No
Daylight None 3 Evocation No Yes
Dispel Magic None 3 Abjuration No No
Fear None 3 Illusion No? Yes
Fireball Fire 3 Evocation No* Yes
Fly None 3 Transmutation No No
Gaseous Form None 3 Transmutation No No
Glyph of Warding Acid / Cold / Fire / Lightning / Thunder 3 Abjuration No Yes
Haste None 3 Transmutation No No
Hypnotic Pattern None 3 Illusion No Yes
Lightning Bolt Lightning 3 Evocation No Yes
Magic Circle None 3 Abjuration No Yes
Major Image None 3 Illusion No Yes
Mass Healing Word None 3 Evocation No No
Meld into Stone None 3 Transmutation No No
Nondetection None 3 Abjuration No No
Phantom Steed None 3 Illusion No No
Plant Growth None 3 Transmutation No Yes
Protection from Energy None 3 Abjuration No No
Remove Curse None 3 Abjuration No No
Revivify None 3 Necromancy No No
Sending None 3 Evocation No No
Sleet Storm None 3 Conjuration No Yes
Slow None 3 Transmutation No Yes
Speak with Dead None 3 Necromancy No No
Speak with Plants None 3 Divination No No
Spirit Guardians Radiant 3 Conjuration No No
Stinking Cloud None 3 Conjuration No Yes
Tiny Hut None 3 Evocation No No
Tongues None 3 Divination No No
Vampiric Touch Necrotic 3 Necromancy Yes No
Water Breathing None 3 Transmutation No No
Water Walk None 3 Transmutation No No
Wind Wall Bludgeoning 3 Evocation No Yes
Arcane Eye None 4 Divination No No
Banishment None 4 Abjuration No* No
Black Tentacles Bludgeoning 4 Conjuration No Yes
Blight Necrotic 4 Necromancy Yes No
Compulsion None 4 Enchantment No? Yes
Confusion None 4 Enchantment Yes Yes
Conjure Minor Elementals None 4 Conjuration No No
Conjure Woodland Beings None 4 Conjuration No No
Control Water Bludgeoning 4 Transmutation No No
Death Ward None 4 Abjuration No No
Dimension Door None 4 Conjuration No No
Divination None 4 Divination No No
Dominate Beast None 4 Enchantment No No
Fabricate None 4 Transmutation No No
Faithful Hound None 4 Conjuration No No
Fire Shield Fire / Cold 4 Evocation No No
Freedom of Movement None 4 Abjuration No No
Giant Insect None 4 Transmutation No No
Greater Invisibility None 4 Illusion No No
Guardian of Faith None 4 Conjuration No No
Hallucinatory Terrain None 4 Illusion No Yes
Ice Storm Cold 4 Evocation No Yes
Locate Creature None 4 Divination No No
Phantasmal Killer Psychic 4 Illusion No No
Polymorph None 4 Transmutation No No
Private Sanctum None 4 Abjuration No No
Resilient Sphere None 4 Evocation No No
Secret Chest None 4 Conjuration No No
Stone Shape None 4 Transmutation No No
Stoneskin None 4 Abjuration No No
Wall of Fire Fire 4 Evocation No Yes
Animate Objects Bludgeoning 5 Transmutation No No
Antilife Shell None 5 Abjuration No* No
Arcane Hand Force 5 Evocation No No
Awaken None 5 Transmutation No No
Cloudkill Poison 5 Conjuration Yes Yes
Commune None 5 Divination No No
Commune with Nature None 5 Divination No No
Cone of Cold Cold 5 Evocation No Yes
Conjure Elemental None 5 Conjuration No No
Contact Other Plane None 5 Divination No No
Contagion None 5 Necromancy Yes No
Creation None 5 Illusion No No
Dispel Evil and Good None 5 Abjuration No No
Dominate Person None 5 Enchantment Yes No
Dream None 5 Illusion No No
Flame Strike Fire & Radiant 5 Evocation No Yes
Geas Psychic 5 Enchantment Yes No
Greater Restoration None 5 Abjuration No No
Hallow None 5 Evocation No Yes
Hold Monster None 5 Enchantment No No
Insect Plague Piercing 5 Conjuration Yes Yes
Legend Lore None 5 Divination No No
Mass Cure Wounds None 5 Evocation No No
Mislead None 5 Illusion No No
Modify Memory None 5 Enchantment Yes No
Planar Binding None 5 Abjuration No No
Raise Dead None 5 Necromancy Yes No
Reincarnate None 5 Transmutation No No
Scrying None 5 Divination No No
Seeming None 5 Illusion No Yes
Telekinesis None 5 Transmutation No No
Telepathic Bond None 5 Divination No No
Teleportation Circle None 5 Conjuration No No
Tree Stride None 5 Conjuration No No
Wall of Force None 5 Evocation No No
Wall of Stone None 5 Evocation No No
Blade Barrier Slashing 6 Evocation No* Yes
Chain Lightning Lightning 6 Evocation No! No
Circle of Death Necrotic 6 Necromancy Yes Yes
Conjure Fey None 6 Conjuration No No
Contingency None 6 Evocation No No
Create Undead None 6 Necromancy Yes No
Disintegrate Force 6 Transmutation No* Yes
Eyebite None 6 Necromancy No No
Find the Path None 6 Divination No No
Flesh to Stone None 6 Transmutation No No
Forbiddance Radiant / Necrotic 6 Abjuration No* Yes
Freezing Sphere Cold 6 Evocation No No
Globe of Invulnerability None 6 Abjuration No No
Guards and Wards None 6 Abjuration No Yes
Harm Necrotic 6 Necromancy Yes No
Heal None 6 Evocation No No
Heroes’ Feast None 6 Conjuration No No
Instant Summons None 6 Conjuration No No
Irresistible Dance None 6 Enchantment Yes No
Magic Jar None 6 Necromancy Yes No
Mass Suggestion None 6 Enchantment Yes Yes
Move Earth None 6 Transmutation No Yes
Planar Ally None 6 Conjuration No No
Programmed Illusion None 6 Illusion No No
Sunbeam Radiant 6 Evocation No Yes
Transport via Plants None 6 Conjuration No No
True Seeing None 6 Divination No No
Wall of Ice Cold 6 Evocation No Yes
Wall of Thorns Slashing 6 Conjuration No Yes
Wind Walk None 6 Transmutation No No
Word of Recall None 6 Conjuration No No
Arcane Sword Force 7 Evocation No No
Conjure Celestial None 7 Conjuration No No
Delayed Blast Fireball Fire 7 Evocation No* Yes
Divine Word None? 7 Evocation No No
Etherealness None 7 Transmutation No No
Finger of Death Necrotic 7 Necromancy Yes No
Fire Storm Fire 7 Evocation No Yes
Forcecage None 7 Evocation No No
Magnificent Mansion None 7 Conjuration No No
Mirage Arcane None 7 Illusion No Yes
Plane Shift None 7 Conjuration No No
Prismatic Spray Fire / Acid / Lightning / Poison / Cold 7 Evocation Yes Yes
Project Image None 7 Illusion No No
Regenerate None 7 Transmutation No No
Resurrection None 7 Necromancy No No
Reverse Gravity None 7 Transmutation Yes? Yes
Sequester None 7 Transmutation No No
Simulacrum None 7 Illusion No No
Symbol Necrotic 7 Abjuration Yes Yes
Teleport None 7 Conjuration No No
Animal Shapes None 8 Transmutation No No
Antimagic Field None 8 Abjuration No* No
Antipathy/Sympathy None 8 Enchantment No* No
Clone None 8 Necromancy No* No
Control Weather None 8 Transmutation No Yes
Demiplane None 8 Conjuration No No
Dominate Monster None 8 Enchantment No? No
Earthquake Bludgeoning 8 Evocation Yes Yes
Feeblemind Psychic 8 Enchantment Yes No
Glibness None 8 Transmutation No No
Holy Aura None 8 Abjuration No Yes
Incendiary Cloud Fire 8 Conjuration No? Yes
Maze None 8 Conjuration No No
Mind Blank None 8 Abjuration No No
Power Word Stun None 8 Enchantment No No
Sunburst Radiant 8 Evocation No Yes
Astral Projection None 9 Necromancy No No
Foresight None 9 Divination No No
Gate None 9 Conjuration No No
Imprisonment None 9 Abjuration Yes No
Mass Heal None 9 Evocation No No
Meteor Swarm Fire 9 Evocation No Yes
Power Word Kill None 9 Enchantment No No
Prismatic Wall Fire / Acid / Lightning / Poison / Cold 9 Abjuration Yes Yes
Shapechange None 9 Transmutation No No
Storm of Vengeance A lot 9 Conjuration Yes Yes
Time Stop None 9 Transmutation No Yes
True Polymorph None 9 Transmutation Yes No
True Resurrection None 9 Necromancy No No
Weird Psychic 9 Illusion No Yes
Wish * 9 Conjuration Yes No